Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Every Two-lane Highway is a Game Trail

Minter has come and throughout the land is pumpkin spice

The gray days differ little, but hope gets higher with the sun

Sinking, binging, almost dead... furious I let it happen again

It's almost like Nirvana listening to my own wheels driving

Until I find, the radio channel was depressed

Now doldrums don't heed my call on sunny day or not, and I...

am about to drive a while to fix gated smile as I shop.

Days are getting longer, I sought, light when winter wind blew from East

Caught in the anti-cyclone bringing Canada closer, my snow froze harder

And Off We Went!!  Darwin and I racing each other through trees and brush

Finding Cedar after Cedar and pole after pole cRaSHiNg through wood, having

Been cooped up by grey walled sky And soggy ground And brown suds And.. And..

Delirious inside the memory, I spied the sky, stayed up too late, got up early.. And

My fever broke, the phlegmy thoughts blew and visions slowed to a halt after 9 hours of sleep

I did not think it at first one could astrally project your mind... with.. telepathy...

But that's 99% of what the Internet is All About!

And so visited my Dad in the nursing home, he was looking better and more awake than any other time I had visited him, and I peered through his window and just before I was about to leave...  I waved..

And He miraculously stood up pushed the wall and stepped out the door for me to take him home; And as I've so often done when I was lost somewhere in Astral Land, and we walked into the light where I could find my road.  

And as I was walking up the long switchback home, we pulled weeds along the way I'd left as if in some kind of prayer God would send me someone who needed me as much as I needed my Dad.

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