Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Expanding Electricity

Electric Universe rides an ocean of photons
With neutrinos tunneling through this sea
Into a nother being whom captures the fleeing neutrino
One of a billion
While the electron sludges along pushing the next one
In their electron seas of metal and conductivity
Our electric sea with nothing, is maybe made of everything

The loop is closed, the strings have died, we get what we give

And vast universe of photonic energy pushes along the next quanta
Until maybe, one day, we tunnel and push a harriet, or victoria, or someone
Space is not empty, it's filled with hydrogen, dust, asteroids, comets
This cosmic energy is shifted because of it
So When the photon pushes forward into the double-slit
Quanta has to go both, because it is behind the experiment
Hasn't reached, hasn't split with quanta pushing the quantum manifest
As both wave and particle dipping and swelling forward, bleeding forward together
So maybe HAS to go both because while expanding, and out forward spout and around
Essentially barely moving about as both wave and particle, according to Maxwell.

Wherefore what tunneled person can come to tout having traveled faster than Space&time!?

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wintered Memory of Spring

In Summer's Idyll
And relaxed evening
The fruit comes
To bring the feeding

And corn and wheat
And most everything
Efflorescences in their bringing

And what fruit
What grape is grasped
When paycheck or grain
Is at last
In one's pocket or silo has?

What ending?
What beginning?
With labor done, and new plan dawning...
What life is dawning with your love in hand?

It is the night that divides the day
And the day that destroys the night
For life is buried in shit
And the seeds of sorrow are not
But What One Buried to Reap

Our lives, or our hope
Our love, or our jokes
Maybe our yesterday, but certainly...
Our tomorrow