Sunday, January 7, 2018

The One-Headed Monsters

Twixt the government assist
Safety nets and the like;
And social supports in heights
Lifting people up through prayers
And social giving of charity.

People selfish, People hypocritical
Self-same problem of the commons hypothetical
Giving/taxes and/or Charity do help us
But without outside oversight regulating
There isn't enough for everyman's greed.

How you get there does matter,
(For capital or social safety nets)
Life isn't one or the other
But two heads are better than one:
Both giving and charity..
Doing and sitting with a cup of tea;
One needs a life to enjoy their time.

That's what my taxes pay for
While you all charging war on a credit card.
The world provides enough for everyperson's need,
But not enough for everyperson's greed;
And That is the Problem of the Commons mind.

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