Saturday, March 4, 2023

Broomsticks Are Like Teleportation Devices And Will Really Take You To Secluded Places In The Blink of an Eye

Wow what a great dream

It seemed it seemed seemed I was in a maze of my making 

But first I was on the street in some kind of city

And then I found the underground with but no escape

So when I put it behind me and understood

I was trapped, you can't escape if you think you're free

And tunnels led me to a bunch of G's and listened and rapped and sat

A lot of sitting behind plywood graffitti on tunnel entrance manhole maybe

And I left only to stumble upon somebody nesting, bunch of people

without internet, it was such a cave, dirt floor and milieu more sitting

The longer I sat listening to mutes, the longer I stayed that's True

But I was looking for the street, but the street was underground

And Thank God I found some socks and shoes and a playground

Still underground, and so repressed I couldn't cope... Until I found

A baton to beat a red devil with, he left to look for easier prey

In somekind of sandbox he was trapped inside like I in my maze

When I explored the place underneath a department store 

AND DEMONS SHOWED UP, AND I EXITED to smoke cigarettes

And warm mint tea released me from my dreams hold tightness load

With something warm in my belly from the instant insomnia

With a midnight snack it should be called insnom nom nom nomIA

Some warm tea settled my butterflies in my warm belly

I settled after two, and slept on my motorcycle until it was time for a picnic

So we rode through mountain streams and green trees and curvy roads with waterfalls to campground to eat and pack back up

The storage on a motorcycle is GiGantic, it must have not had a motor

And I exited after I packed in cups and plates, and repacked them again, and when I turned my back

I lost my thread and my friends I was riding with, when I exited again, 

At Least I found my coat, I guess...

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