Monday, September 24, 2018

Conflationary Confections

Painted M&Ms are the same difference
Coke & 7up are the same difference
Apples and Oranges are the same difference
Peas and Corn are the same difference
Goldfish and Carp are the same difference
Pine trees are The same difference
Wally and Beaver are the same difference
Shoulds and Shouldn’ts fertilize criticism

The tinmen, scarecrows, and cowardly lions are the same difference
The Emerald city and the Yellow brick road are the same difference
Mansions and Castles are the same difference
Fishtanks and Houses are the same difference
Comforters and Afghans are the same difference
Couches are The same difference
Compliments and Criticism are the same difference
Shoulds and Shouldn’ts fertilize criticism

Pillows and Feather beds are the same difference
Dreams and Paintings are the same difference
Painters and Photographers are the same difference
Curtains and Blinds are the same difference
Walls and Bricks are the same difference
Stone and Soils are the same difference
Geologic and Critical thinking are the same difference
Shoulds and Shouldn’ts fertilize criticism

Campfires and Hearths are the same difference
Boots and Tenny runners are the same difference
Walking sticks and Pole-arms are the same difference
Squirrels and Pack rats are the same difference
Ungulates are The same difference
Fish tank gravel and Trailer pads are the same difference
Grizzlies and Kodiaks are the same difference
Hunters and Footballers are the same difference
Stars and our Sun are the same difference
Moon and Earth are the same difference
Circles are The same difference
Shoulds and Shouldn’ts fertilize criticism

Fractals are The same difference
Torches and Flashlights are the same difference
Friendship and Love are the same difference
Bob and Stephen are the same difference
Rosa and Colin are the same difference
M&Ms are The same difference
Reading and Spelling are the same difference
Carnegie and Alexander are the same difference
Dick Dale and Dale Carnegie are the same difference
Synonyms are The same difference
Closed and Cold are the same difference

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