Monday, February 21, 2011

Old is an attitude

I feel like a teenager
unsure of my new feet
always tripping on myself
as I quit these cigarettes
If I had one prayer
it would be to see the light

unsure of my new feet
I grow unbounded it seems
new body, growing mind
growing health growing attitudes
growing hair to dislikes

always tripping on myself
because the shoes don't fit
wasn't the big feet
but that I needed to buy
two sizes too big

I quit these cigarettes
like a sailor finding a port
tired of the taxes
and becoming poor
acclimating to land

If I had one prayer
it would be to brainwash me
so I merely didn't believe the illusion
rather than creating a hell
to wallow in
Allen Carr anyone?

To see the light
is to see beyond the veil
making a connection
between the spirit of things

I feel like a teenager
I grow unbounded it seems
or at least two sizes too big
Tired of becoming poor
and being brainwashed
is to see beyond the veil.

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