Saturday, August 6, 2016

Peak Experience

I stood out my window
And birds with butterfly wings hovered into view!
Dancing, they sang a foot from their mouths...
Singing, they distilled the silence into motif...
Distilling, they agitated brains calling cat.

The rain has come again, with bombs and guns
Their guns, and their bombs;
              their bombs and their guns.
It can't pass by, but can't stay
Finding home in roses they wilt, as blue as they are turning.

And when worlds turn, who knows what busnessman will be the last
To lead the charge into forest with chainsaw
To hew torwards mountain with digger and drill
What magnificence the last businessman will be, I'm sure,
With ribbons in his hair and rainbows over his head
And a smart beard and plucked eyebrows with makeup
For the television.

Which broadcasts virtual reality in the peaks
With goat and pokemon go-going over crag and spine
Broadcast by satellite and 9G cell-phone towers splayed below.
But that's where Suzy saw the rock pika perch last year
And one can replay the video of her scaring it away
        when she said, "oh, look."

And over there is the next 5 seconds of trail towards scotchman peak
With an estimate of 30 minutes to the top from this last stop.
And ETD of four pm at the base where your electrics is parked
If you take the drone's zipline home.

Yes, up here one can see the microwave-power transmitter relays,
to watch the drones chase eagles from their paths
while down below our robots terraform the outcrops of rock for vertical gardens
pumping away, fixing nitrogen and carbon in the hot hot sun and warm warm air.

Turning your head that way, you can view uptime of that particular robot's
efficiency ratio of it's nitrogen production
And over there is the weather station readings on peak nine to the left
which is really known for poor temperature readings, says user JohnQstamp.

And over there is the heavy hydrogen mining facility at the Cabinet Gorge
Where they've been bombarding water with neutrons to enrich their production,
Says the wikipedia article on Freenode's VR portal,
Because they had excess electrical supply.

Boy, what a view outside my window, I think
As I take the helmet off, throw the covers away
And put on a robe to go make some coffee.

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